Who is DSA?
Wed, 07/22/2009 - 16:00 — admin
Diagnostic Systems Associates is a premier Engineering & Systems Design organization specializing in data acquisition, display and analysis systems. We provide a total solutions approach to the conception, design and development of computer-based data analysis products.
Grown from a core engineering group specializing in Automotive diagnostic and repair technology, DSA has expanded over the past years from a pure system design firm to providing complete concept-to-product development capability.
In contrast to traditional software & hardware contract engineering firms, DSA provides the expertise to thoroughly analyze and understand the problem at hand, formulate the appropriate solution(s) and execute the design & development of a final product as opposed to simply "coding to specification".
Through a network of engineering resources, DSA is able to quickly secure personnel specializing in a given area of systems design and adapt to the specific needs of a given project. Resourcing flexibility provides us with the capability to dedicate our efforts on the specific needs of every customer & project without the negative aspects of "multi-tasking" personnel. A byproduct of this flexibility also allows us to quickly "jump in" and rescue an off schedule project by providing the right personnel at critical path portions of the schedule to bring it back into plan.